The Life That Flourishes – Week Three – Blessed Are The Meek

Kingdom citizens are called to be faithful and reliable, to live with strength under control, and in full acceptance of our LORD and His plans and purposes.  As we do, we will experience true blessedness… the divine joy and spiritual reality of our inheritance in God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 5:5)

By |2024-07-22T10:14:33-07:00July 21st, 2024|

The Life That Flourishes – Week Two – Blessed Are The Mourners

Who wants to mourn?  I don’t want to mourn; I want to be happy.  Strangely, Jesus says these two emotions are related.  How can that make sense?  In order to respond to what Jesus means here, we need to understand three truths about mourning. (Matthew 5:4)

By |2024-07-22T10:16:02-07:00July 14th, 2024|

The Life That Flourishes – Week One – Less Is More

Jesus teaches that, when it comes to the spiritual realm, the kingdom life — it is better to have less than more.  In the economy of the Kingdom of Heaven… less is more. To those of us who have lived most of our lives in prosperity, this is strange math; and it was pretty strange math in Jesus’ day as well. (Matthew 5:3)

By |2024-07-08T08:27:38-07:00July 7th, 2024|

What’s On Your Mind? – Week 5 – Protecting Your Mind

The Apostle Paul offers Christ followers a recipe for how we can live with extraordinary strength as we Protect Our Minds.  This mind protection begins from a position, a place, and a preference for living in peace. (Philippians 4:4-9)

By |2024-07-03T09:03:12-07:00June 30th, 2024|

What’s On Your Mind? – Week 4 – Losing Your Mind

Giving up “our way” is how we lose our mind– in order to pursue the mind or attitude of Christ.  In this text we’ll see that The Mind of Christ is exhibited in three distinct virtues which we are called to pursue in our life.  (Philippians 2:5-9)

By |2024-06-10T08:06:05-07:00June 9th, 2024|

What’s On Your Mind? – Week 3 – Renewing Your Mind

Renewing your mind means interpreting life through the lens of God’s Word and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, rather than through the lens of our experience, trauma, preferences, or the opinions of others.  It’s a fundamental shift toward seeing the world, ourselves, others, God, and especially what’s possible from a Kingdom perspective. (Romans 12:1-8)

By |2024-06-05T07:04:16-07:00June 2nd, 2024|

What’s On Your Mind? – Week 2 – Setting Your Mind

In this text we find The Apostle Paul issuing a mandate for believers, an instruction to “Set your minds on things above…”  He follows up his command language by telling us why this important, and then even gives us a couple of practical lists of attitudes and actions to put aside, and a second list that contains the ingredients of a truly Christian mindset. Colossians 3:1-17

By |2024-06-05T07:05:17-07:00May 26th, 2024|

What’s On Your Mind? – Week 1 – It’s All In Your Head!

The first message in a series that looks at a variety of NT passages regarding the mind of the Christian.  And more specifically how our minds intersect with God’s mind, so that the Apostle Paul can say in today’s text, “But we have the mind of Christ!”   (1 Corinthians 2:9-16)

By |2024-05-20T10:49:40-07:00May 19th, 2024|
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