
Joyful celebration. Quiet reflection. Prayer & praise.
Our Sunday morning services are filled with music, prayer, communion & preaching as we interact with God & each other. We may show a video clip or have someone share a personal story.
It’s not a performance for you to watch…it’s worship for you to experience.
Music touches all of us in different ways, so our morning worship offers a variety of music styles, ranging from hymns and choruses to contemporary songs. Our goal is not to worry about musical “style”, but simply to focus our minds and hearts on God as we sing our praises to Him.
We take the Bible seriously. We don’t claim to have all the answers; we just know that God speaks to people through this timeless book of truth. You will hear messages that make you think…make you cry…perhaps even make you laugh.
Over time, as God’s wisdom seeps into us, hopefully all of us will reflect more of his character in our lives.
In the midst of our frenetic days, we need some quiet moments. In the midst of a world that can be petty & self-centered, we need a weekly reminder of the loving sacrifice of Jesus. That’s why we take Communion every Sunday: it gives each of us the chance to encounter the living God in an intensely personal way.
Come with a sense of expectation…and go away refreshed.