Persons of Peace – Indonesia Bible Translation

Ron & Jacqui Whisler, GWC missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators working in Indonesia, give a report on their current efforts.   Ron’s message of looking for people of peace and connecting with them via the Discovery Bible Study method is encouraging and challenging. (Luke 10:1-12)

By |2023-08-14T12:54:24-07:00August 13th, 2023|

Gospel of John – Week 30 – Unveiling The Promise

Jesus reminds His disciples that the Holy Spirit is for us.  At the moment we fall, right at the moment we need Him the most, when we don’t even know what to say, He’ll come beside us and fill us and empower us.  The Holy Spirit is the interpreter of God to us, The Helper, and the One who brings God’s peace to us. (John 14:25-31)

By |2023-08-07T09:26:54-07:00August 6th, 2023|

Gospel of John – Week 29 – God’s Cure For Heart Troubles

In this text Jesus offers His discipled several reasons why they didn’t have to be worried…  the same principles that apply for us in this agitated, stress-filled world.  We night think of these principles like medicine… or antidotes to counteract the heart troubles that plague this life. (John 14:1-24)

By |2023-07-31T10:12:54-07:00July 30th, 2023|

Gospel of John – Week 26 – A Better Way To Get Through Life

In this message we are challenged to humbly use the resources God has provided for the well-being of others.  This is the better way to get through this life, the lifestyle of humility modeled by Jesus.  (John 13:1-17)

By |2023-07-11T09:22:52-07:00July 9th, 2023|

Gospel of John – Week 25 – In Pursuit of Glory

In this passage from John Chapter 12 Jesus tell us how and where to find glory. Many of us try to wade around in puddles of glory provided in this world system, but Jesus tells us about an ocean of glory,  an endless source of hope and joy found only when we meet Jesus at the Cross. Sermon begins at 21:00 (John 12:19-33)

By |2023-07-03T09:49:13-07:00July 2nd, 2023|

Gospel of John – Week 24 – The Breaking Point

Underlying Jesus’ claims, signs, miracles and teachings has been constant opposition from the religious establishment. In today’s text we see the final breaking point between the religious leaders and Jesus.

How will we react to His Word and His Works. Will we be thoughtless and careless and underestimate the treasure He has placed inside of us?   Or will we welcome Jesus, be convinced of Who He is, and make the commitment to fully follow Him?  (John 11:45-57)


By |2023-06-28T11:53:16-07:00June 25th, 2023|

Gospel of John – Week 23 – Back From Beyond

In John 11 we see that Jesus reveals God’s views on death, in part to encourage our proper response to death.  When we rely on the God who Knows and Cares and Rules over us… we can be assured He has our best interest in mind, both in this very temporary world, and more importantly, in the life to come (John 11:1-44)

By |2023-06-22T10:42:40-07:00June 18th, 2023|

Gospel of John – Week 22 – Mixed Metaphors

In our text Jesus mixes a couple of metaphors… referring to Himself both as “The Door” and as “The Good Shepherd” using what is common to teach a profound truth about His worth and His work.  He also invited His followers to experience the abundant life available only through Him. (John 10:1-19)

By |2023-06-14T08:37:02-07:00June 11th, 2023|
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