Daniel – Week 10 – Prayer That Grabs God’s Attention

In Daniel 9 we find of the most powerful prayers in the Bible.  While Daniel has a preference and some requests, he also clearly recognizes the importance of God’s timeline above that of his own. Today, as we examine Daniel’s prayer in chapter 9, we find a model for own prayers. (Daniel 9)

By |2024-04-17T09:13:29-07:00April 14th, 2024|

Daniel – Week 9 – The Goats vs. The Rams

In this chapter we witness another strange vision that Daniel received along with the interpretation of the vision.  The vision contains some specific prophecies about events– past, contemporary to Daniel’s time, and stretching far into the future. Daniel would live and die without ever seeing the complete fulfillment of his vision.  But the fulfillment of the vison continues to impact God’s people today.

By |2024-04-10T09:35:39-07:00April 7th, 2024|

Daniel – Week 8 – Monsters INC.

In this chapter we encounter one of the more amazing visions in the Bible.  It tells of a strange dream Daniel had in which God revealed to him a symbolic outline of human history stretching from Daniel’s day to the very end of time as we understand it.  Although much of his dream has been fulfilled, the final parts are yet future, even to us.  Daniel’s dream carried for him, and for us, both warning and comfort, as we put our full trust in the One called The Ancient of Days. (Daniel 7)

By |2024-03-27T10:10:06-07:00March 24th, 2024|

Daniel – Week 6 – The Handwriting Is On The Wall

Just as God humbled proud kings, He can do the same to us. This chapter show us that our place is at His feet in obedience, submission, and gratitude. We are reminded of a key rule of the Spiritual Life: He is God and we are not! (Daniel 5)

By |2024-03-04T08:48:44-08:00March 3rd, 2024|

Daniel – Week 5 – The Price of A Proud Heart

Though this chapter tells of strange events that happened 25 centuries ago, the moral is as relevant as today’s headlines. Even though the world has changed much since Daniel’s day, the human heart hasn’t changed much at all. The world is still filled with men and women who think they don’t need God or know better than God, and God still knows how to humble the proud. (Daniel 4)

By |2024-02-26T10:39:38-08:00February 25th, 2024|
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