As a tangible expression of our mission statement – “To Know Him, to Love Him, to Share Him” – we are committed to local, regional, and global outreach. We do this through both hands-on service and the investment of finances. 13.5% of each week’s offerings is specifically directed toward outreach that extends into our community and around the world.
Local Outreach
Thanksgiving Baskets
Each November, our church takes a special Thanksgiving offering. These funds are used to purchase ingredients for Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets that we distribute to needy families in our neighborhood. We typically deliver more than 50 baskets, ensuring that families have food on the table and a reason to “give thanks”.
Serve Days
Several times each year, GWC volunteers will assist a variety of non-profit agencies around Lane County to meet a variety of practical needs. Some of the agencies/groups we have served include:
- Mt. Pisgah Arboretum
- The Pearl Buck Center
- Bertha Holt Elementary School
- Food for Lane County Community Gardens
- Metropolitan Affordable Housing Corporation
- Generosity Feeds
- The Relief Nursery
- Department of Human Services – Foster Child Support
- Project Hope: Local churches serving schools & families
Through our church Benevolence Fund, we provide monthly support to the following non-profit organizations that address the needs of hurting people in our community:
U of O Campus Ministry
We work with a local campus ministry, IMPACT Campus Ministry, to impact students that attend U of O from all over the world.
Regional Outreach
Church Planting
We help to start new churches from scratch in the Pacific Northwest to reach new people. We provide funding, encouragement, prayer support, and coaching. Recent church-planting projects include:
The Vine – Vancouver, BC
Corvallis Church (Now Village Christian Church) – Corvallis, OR
The Branch – Vancouver, WA
Generations Church – Salmon Creek, WA
Grove Christian Camp
We partner with Grove Christian Camp in Dorena (SE of Cottage Grove) to provide year-round weekend and week-long programs for children, youth & adults.
Boise Bible College
We partner with Boise Bible in Boise, ID to train new missionaries.
Global Outreach
We invest in the following individuals working around the world:
Dandenia Pungya – Frontier Labourers for Christ, Thailand
Keith & Kathy Ham – Christian Missionary Fellowship, Mathare Valley slum, Nairobi, Kenya
Nick & Lindale Adams – A-Z Christian Mission, Zimbabwe
Ron & Jacqui Whisler – Wycliffe Bible Translators, Indonesia
Zack and Candace Lewis – Bible translators, North Africa